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The 10 Francs Hercules silver coin is used by savers as a safe haven. Its high silver content and good liquidity make it a safe product. The 10 Francs Hercules silver coins sold in our catalog are packaged in batches of 10 coins.

Silver Coins 10 Francs Hercules - Set of 10 coins

  • The 10 Francs Hercule, an excellent silver investment coin

    The 10 Francs Hercules silver coin , less well-known than the 50 Francs Hercules Silver, is perfect for starting your investment in physical silver .

    The 10 Francs Hercules silver coin is a modern coin that was minted in over 39 million copies between 1964 and 1973. Due to their high silver content, these coins were widely hoarded. A large quantity of these coins were melted down after 1975 due to the rise in the price of silver , representing over 880 tonnes of pure silver. Like many other silver coins , it was demonetized in February 1980. This silver coin is still very common in France.

    The test version of the 10 Francs Hercules silver coin issued in 1964 is not sold in our catalog. Minted in 3,500 copies, it is mainly sought after for its numismatic value.

    The 10 Francs Hercules in silver and its famous design

    The 10 Francs Hercules silver investment coin measures 37 millimeters in diameter and weighs 25 grams. It has a fineness of 900.00 thousandths.

    The design of Hercules was created for the introduction of the 5 Franc silver coin to replace the écu, under the Directory regime (1795-1799). This design was reused many times, including this 10 Franc Hercule silver coin . Augustin Dupré, a French medallist, was recruited following a competition launched in 1791 after the French Revolution. Dupré is particularly known for his design of the Genius, used for the 20 Franc Genius and 100 Franc Genius gold investment coins.

    The 10 Francs Hercules silver coin shows us on the obverse, Hercules (Heracles), the Greek demigod, facing forward, bearded, scantily clad and standing on a base. He wears his garment made of the skin of the Nemean Lion (the lion). At the level of his left shoulder, we can see a lion's paw. It unites the personified figures of Liberty (on the left) and Equality (on the right). Liberty wears a peplos, a tunic usually worn by the goddess Athena, and holds a pike topped with a Phrygian cap. Equality is dressed in a chiton, a traditional tunic of Ancient Greece, and holds a level in his left hand. The French motto "LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, FRATERNITÉ" surrounds the design. The signature of Augustin Dupré is visible at the bottom of the coin.

    On the reverse side of the 10 Francs Hercule silver coin , we can read the face value "10 Francs" in the center of the coin as well as its year just below. This mention is surrounded by a plant crown composed of a laurel branch, evoking victory, tied to an oak branch, symbol of power and stability. We find the words "French Republic" on the contours of this silver coin .

    The edge of the 10 Francs Hercules silver coin is also engraved with motifs evoking agriculture, industry and commerce.

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